Tuesday, July 8, 2014

17 HIIT Summertime Workouts That Require Zero Equipment


These workouts are great if you are traveling or want to do your workout from home or outdoors! All you need is a stop watch, water, and some pump up music. Some workouts do require a jump rope, but if you don't have a jump rope you can substitute jumping jacks. If you have any questions about the movements they can all be found on YouTube as they are very basic movements. If you have been coming to Hypepower Boot Camps you will know all of these movements. 

High Intensity Interval Training will yield the best results and the most health benefits in comparison to steady aerobic training. HIIT should be performed no more than 3-4 days per week to avoid injury.  A balanced and healthy exercise regime should include 2-3 days of HIIT, 2 days of weight training, 1-2 days of cardio (intervals or endurance), and  1-2 days of rest or long aerobic activity such as an long jog or hike.  Always listen to your body first and foremost. If you feel fatigued going into a workout, give yourself 10 minutes of warming up. If you still feel sluggish after that, call it a day and rest. If you feel energized, take advantage and increase your intensity a little more than normal! I will say it one last time, GOOD JAMS HELP INCREASE INTENSITY (yes this is a scientific fact http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/04/120417221709.htm)! 
Download your favorite songs and get to work!

Workout 1:
5 rounds
15 Hand Release Push-ups
30 sec Plank (top of the push-up)
5 rounds
25 Sit-ups
25 Hollow Rock

Workout 2:
For time: 
1/4 mile run
3 rounds
20 walking lunges
10 burpees
20 pushups
1/4 mile run

Workout 3:
6 rounds of:
50 Double unders (jump rope) or jumping jacks
20 Alternating single leg squats or 40 air squats
6 rounds
50 lunges
50 situps

Workout 4:
Perform 50 reps of the following exercises:
Dips (chair or ring)

Workout 5:
3 rounds:

Run 1/2 mile
50 air squats

Workout 6:
5 rounds for time:

10 push-ups
10 hollow rocks

10 Tuck Jumps

Run 200 meters OR 100 jump ropes

Workout 7:
10 Rounds for time:
100m run
10 Burpees

Workout 8:
1 Round for Time

100 Push-ups 

100 Sit-ups 
100 Squats

Workout  9:
500 jumping jacks
Every 50 stop and do 5 burpees

Workout  10:
20 minute AMRAP
(As Many Rounds As Possible)
5 pushup
10 situp
15 squats

Workout  11:
5 rounds
40 lunges
30 v-ups
20 superman
10 pushup

Workout 12:
Double Unders
*if you can’t do double unders, perform 2x the amount of reps of single jump ropes

Workout 13:
Run 1 mile

100 Push-ups
200 Squats
Run 1 mile

Workout 14:
10 Turkish Get-ups (1 or 3 gallon jug of water) 

20 Double-Unders 
30 Walking Lunges 
40 Push-ups 
30 Squats 
20 Leg lifts 
10  Burpees
2 Rounds for Time

Workout 15:
Sprint 100 meters

Rest 1 minute
Repeat 10 times

Workout 16:
4 rounds for time of
27 box jumps (or step ups on a couch or chair)
20 Burpees
11 Jump Squats
11 Mountain Climbers

Workout 17:
2 Rounds for time of
150 Jumping Lunges
90 Jump Ropes
30 Dips

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